Three weeks being there justifies me for writing more than one entry about our Summer trip. Those heat, traffic, the sun and the sun again.... Target and Gap stores everywhere and more Walmart. What a change!
We landed at San Francisco airport in the afternoon after a nice comfortable flight in business class via Seoul. (can't say the same thing about the children, back, back there in the plane....) I was stuffed with nice food, those satays were not too bad. And more food. Ice cream, chocolate, cheese, crackers, fruits.... I was spoiled..... With so little movement, I could easily gain two pounds before arriving to SF. In flight entertainment was not too impressive, I got my own iPod Video, my books, my magazines. I also could use some sleep....Zzzzz

Got our gorgeous black NAVIGATOR, just like the one owned by David Beckham, we headed to Santa Clara. Upon unpacking, we drove to Stanford University, which is about 30 minutes away and then checked out a nearby Target. Love Target, they've got everything we like at good price.
This is Stanford U.

One night in Santa Clara and we were off to Fresno the next morning.
These are the pics of our Fresno accommodation, not too shabby...: