I felt a little guilty that I have been practically baking bread and bread only in the recent weeks. This morning, I went on with my plan to bake some apricot filled muffins for my DH after the children left for school. Even if he didn't eat them this morning, he could take them along to Jakarta where he was flying to this afternoon. Hmm, I was just trying to be a nicer wife, he has been really busy and all stressed out with the craziness of the stock markets around the world, the weakening of US$ and the escalating price of oil. Now, that's heavy. Really heavy! Besides, he was nice enough to me and tried really hard to spare some minutes to listen to my problems and my experiments on bread making in between the phone calls he was having. How could I compare millions$ at stake compared to baking bread? For all his efforts these past few days, he could be the husband of the week in this neighborhood!! Hope he reads this entry....... 27 more days to my birthday, dear!!
Simple basic muffins filled with apricot, it's his favorite! They turned out a bit funny looking, but I know he didn't care.