Happy birthday to me!

After months of living in a new place, we still haven't quite settled with things that need to be repaired. We still have workers come and go to fix this and that. Today was my lucky day. We had people come to fix the painting on one of the cupboard door in one of the rooms and the wash basin in our master room. As for birthday, nothing was planned, aside from the one in college, one child was still out of the country. But I knew that lunch would take place, anyway, sandwiched between appointments before and after the meal.

Just he and I, on Friday, during Lenten season, trying to find a place enticing enough to have meal in, the one that serve non-meat dishes in reasonable portions. I came up with a few ideas including vegetarian meal from a restaurant in Holland village, which was quickly tossed to the bottom of the list as it is a 15-minute drive and I felt like being near home. DH suggested Japanese, since it offers so many options for non meat dishes. But in three days will be in Japan and will be able to eat Japanese food every single meal on every single day! So, NO!

We settled for Italian lunch right down the building by the Singapore river. I had, at the very top, risotto with King Prawns and scallops with saffron sauce. DH opted lunch special which was a great bargain, with mozzarella and tomato salad, picture is right above, as appetizer and pan fried sea bass for the main entree, middle picture. Dessert was included too, but practically unappetizing looking.... We were stuffed anyway. Head back home!