Gott sei Dank, es ist Freitag! What a joyful day today has been. First, I woke to the good news that Miss P got the refund from the person that sublet her apartment from and later on putting in a man in the apartment simply by saying "Sorry I forgot this - for the time frame you are staying, there will be another girl who you will share the bath room with, and one guy". What?!? a GUY? So casually inserted into the sentence??? Sharing an apartment with a guy that she never met before? That's juts not nice to set it up that way! After a couple of nights with poor sleep, it was settled and the money was refunded and my daughter would not have to share an apartment with a male stranger this Summer. She, however, will have to find a new place to stay.
For the past two days, I had become a company to my sister's colleague and his daughter who had medical problem and was told that she needed an operation by a doctor in Jakarta. We went to a private practice yesterday and this poor father was robbed of his $460 for the doctor, ultrasound imaging and blood test, $300 of which was for consultancy. It's so outrageous! It was too much! Today, they looked for a third opinion from a specialist at Singapore General Hospital. The bad news was that despite the appointment that they had for 10:10AM, we were made to wait for more than two and a half hours. The good news was, after his examination, that the doctor found no reason for the parents and this little girl to worry about. No operation was needed. They were asked to observe and come back later for another Ultrasound imaging. The damage? Merely $100. The satisfaction? Enormous. I am so happy for them.

That's not all. IPad 2 is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have ordered mine, along with the case too. Yes, yes, yes! Now, let me continue with the caramel popcorn. I am getting ready to become a temporary couch potato. It's William and Kate's wedding. Time to enjoy!