My younger sister, who lives in another city, in another country, 900 km from here, e-mailed me last week and wanted me to send her some cakes or cookies if I had any. She works full time and has two small kids to look after and knows the most economical and convenient way of getting food i.e. by asking them from me. "Ask and she shall be given!" She, by the way, has three other sisters who live within 250 km proximity!

DH was heading to the same city where she is in this evening and I had it in my schedule to bake some little cakes today for her and oatmeal cookies as well, since I wanted to get rid of my oatmeal inventory. Unfortunately, today happened to be a very busy day for me with an appointment in the morning, running errands and followed by lunch with DH and DH had to leave for the airport by 4:30PM. I should have about two hours to bake them all. And ........... I swung magic wand and managed to bake both little cakes and cookies. I had some packed for my sister and her two little monsters and a little container was prepared for DH. My oven was still working when DH left. We'll see him on Saturday. Spin the wheel and make money, dear!!!!
Of course dinner had to suffered a bit, we simply had a homemade chicken nuggets, the cookies and the cupcakes (that never got decorated!), however, made up for simple dinner!

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