In a day, we need more hours.... so many of us feel this way. I hate to admit that, I am behind with so many things that I do, I could do more but I just couldn't make myself do more than I can handle. It is hard enough to keep up with the "basic" things that I do on daily basis, moreover to catch up with my neglected and semi-abandoned WIPs. I can't pick up a new hobby, I do not have enough time to work on regular basis because my priority has been and will always be my family first.
I can't remember how I discovered this book by Allison Pearson "I Don't Know How She Does It" about the drama of dilemma of a working mom. A few years back when I found the book for the first time, I quickly read it and passed it to a someone close to me who was in a very similar situation and I thought, was in danger of heading to a broken family, I urged her to read it. I do not know if she ended up reading it although she returned the book a couple of years later, after I got myself another copy.
Her story ended quite differently than the one in the book, unfortunately. Her ex-husband cheated on her for years with at least another woman and had another child with that s&#%. The arrogant man was never remorseful and only interested in his pride. He was begging and begging for forgiveness and was unwilling to proceed with the divorce and the next minute he started delivering insults and punches on his wife's family.
This jerk said that he wanted no interference from any family members, then shortly after he asked for help to reconcile from his wife's sister. He bribed the judge so that the divorce case was messed up, he was also not co-operative during the hearings. I have more than enough reasons to call him a jerk, although he is more than qualified to be called a cheater and maybe a lot of other names that I might use some other time, whenever deemed necessary. I still possess some self control!
Remember "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"? This jerk will be paying it, if not now, maybe later. Justice is sweet. Let the nature takes its course....... We do not have to do anything much, yet.
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