I woke up with a craving for Cat's Tongue, the cookies, last Sunday. I thought about them before I fell asleep the night before. Of course I had to have them, cause it would drive me crazy all day thinking about them if I didn't bake any. When the kids asked me why I suddenly made Cat's Tongue, I just said, God told me. Lame. Just like the day before when I suddenly went crazy over wanting to make some rice noodles with thick gravy of chicken and vegetables. Gotta have it, so I made it. The same question was asked and a similar answer was given. I was lying down in bed and the idea just popped into my head.

For the time being I am stuffed and we are well stocked with these Lingue di Gatto aka Cat's Tongue aka Lidah Kucing aka Kattetong. I am contended.

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