I could not help being a busier bee these past days. I only have three kids to look after and days seem to flip so quickly. I definitely can't imagine a life with six kids under seven years old and eight octuplets, with no husband, no job and no house. That would be sooo.... frightening. Having said that, I could say that my life is technically wonderful and should be so extremely grateful over it, which I am. So much. Still, I have to say that I feel ambushed when one kid is ill or experiencing some health issue. Like now, one of them is having trouble seein and spectacles do not help too much. I am anxious about going to the specialist tomorrow morning to have her eyes looked at for further investigation. Let's hope it is something that is fixable.

Simplifying things has been the case this week, I practically one-dish meal over the past three days or so. It's now Friday again, it's no meat day again. Here's my lunch, fried noodles with bean curds (tofu). Not bad at all!
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