It was 4AM in the morning. I woke up in my bed room, feeling very uncomfortable because of the heat. The air-con was off and it was really dark around. The was a black out in the neighborhood where we lived at that time, an area in Jakarta called Pondok Indah or translated as Beautiful Huts or Houses. Ours was a smaller one-not that beautiful-, it was a three bedroom tiny house, probably had an area around 1200sq ft. There were only two of us. My husband and I got married in Singapore, 19 months prior to that day.
I felt the wetness underneath. Lots of fluid, it was not urine. This was my water bag that broke. I never experienced it before, I had never given birth before. But I was sure that that was "IT". I did not really buy the idea that my first born would be arriving soon. It was only March 24, she was due on April 10. I thought, if she could wait for two more days, we could have the same birthday. I guessed that might not happened after all. I was still a bit sleepy... and a little bit confused.
I woke my husband up, telling him that we needed to go to the hospital. No drama whatsoever like in the movies. No panicking over it. We were all calm, got dressed and ready to go, grabbed the prepared bag and headed to the hospital in our small-company-owned Honda. We had small conversations on the way, it was a short ride to the hospital, maybe around 5-10 minutes. The traffic was good, after all it was so early in the morning.
I was taken to maternity ward in a wheel chair and DH took care of the registration and getting a room for after delivery. We had no relatives nearby or close friends that could be called at that time, not that we needed that. I was fine with a very well trained nurse and DH. I started having contractions and pain that went with them. I could not recall where DH was or what he was doing. The contractions got intense as the time went by and felt so unbearable at times.
9:40 AM on the very same day, a baby girl was born. I was officially a mother. I was happy and relieved that everyone was fine and the baby girl was in perfect health. I spoke on the phone with my mom and my sisters who were joyous of new family member. They were coming immediately from 250 km away. DH was in the room and everything else seemed blurred. My life as a mother had just begun......
It feels like just last week that it all happened, it's now 18 years later and she is ready to spread her wings and leave home in a few months. Happy Birthday P, you are officially legal now! Go and tidy up your room! Wishing you all the wonderful things and happiness in life.
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