Preparing meals becomes a lot easier when one of the kids could specify what they actually want. Just like adults, sometimes they do not know what they want to eat. We do want to eat but we run out of ideas of what to eat. So it was such a major help when someone who came back from an 8-day trip said,"Just prepare Mac & Cheese...." That's not a demanding suggestion at all.....

See... communication does help. I am happy that a tween, by age category, could identify what see wants. More often that not, when I ask the other family members what they want for dinner, I got some sort of no answer. A reply of "I don't know.." or " I will eat whatever you cook..." or DH's classic answer " Don't cook tonight, go and have a rest...." is not really helpful, because in the end, we all need and want to eat. We will be hungry by whatever time it will be. Even if I don't cook, we still need to eat something and what would that be?

With these Mini Mac & Cheese, I also prepared garlic bread and Baby Arugula Salad with homemade blue cheese dressing. Good meal.

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