For many years, I knew that that I should have done it and get it fixed, but I found thousands and more excuses to keep on delaying it.... Until paranoid took over and I started fixing whatever need to be fixed and made myself a priority to a higher extent...
So an Ear Nose Throat Specialist was recommended by my OB Gyn and an appointment was made. There were many temptations to cancel it along the way but I tried my best to stick to it. It's so hard being an adult and a mother too, so much responsibility and so easy for me to pick up the phone and cancel an appointment that I do not like to keep....... I have way too much power to make happen. I also dislike going to the dentist, which I know that I am due to go this month too.
Despite everything, I went to my appointment anyway and spent sometime with a very nice doctor that did an excellent and super thorough check up and in the end gave me three types of nose sprays and four types of medicines and charged me nearly $500 !!! And asked to return next week...............

A little wicked treat for myself today being a brave girl (yay!), Chocolate Almond Upside-Down Cake by Gale Gand, see the recipe here. A note to myself: I should not be brave too often as this fatally will result in chubbier cheeks! Not funny.
PS: The doctor taught me the correct way to blow my nose!!!!!! I did not know that there are many incorrect ways apparently.
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