My two kids here were somewhat heartbroken facing the fact that their big sister must go away for college, they knew it was coming. So was the big sister who must leave. They all talked about it from time to time, we all did. They put on brave face, yet when the time came, bidding adieu was tough and it still hurt that separation was unavoidable, ....thousand smiles away. This time was different than the previous little trips made before. It's not going to be 2-3 weeks anymore.

I know for a fact, that everything is going to be alright. We will see each other again in no time, October of maybe December. See..? That's not bad at all. Besides, everyone has so much on the plate in the coming months. From DH with his (God bless) projects, our house move, one starting college, one has preparation courses for Sacrament of Confirmation and the start of IB program. I can be sure that the level of stress will be high, everyone will be very occupied. Time will fly before we know it.

We have been taking about making blueberry waffles for breakfast in the past days. I halved the recipe down to accommodate the three people with not so big appetite and in the end, the three of us had a good size breakfast and nearly cleaned up the batter made. It was a nice, calm Saturday breakfast .... before the school begins.

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