The big news yesterday was earthquake in Indonesia. Earthquakes come with no warning. This one as well. Came suddenly and shook the earth up. We have a whole bunch of people that we know and related to that were there and just minutes ago, were shaken by powerful earthquake in Java. They live in many different cities stretching across some 250km from one another. But from I read, Bali was also affected by the quake. DH was there to and had to go down the stairs 23 floors, along with everyone else that were in the building. Thankfully, everyone that I know, is safe.

27 more days before this month is over. I sound like a half-empty-glass kind of person, but not really. I am a half-full-glass person, I like to be positive and I like to work on my goals joyfully, with a little grumbling now and then, forgive me..... It's human to grumble a bit, it's human to err too. Just don't lose the focus. That's the key.

I have been working a lot on one room, the one left behind as the occupant is going for college. Just one room and that has taken enormous amount of time to clean up, to sort up and to organize. I am too frightened to think of the whole house that I have to pack for our move. Quite soon. But I just keep on going, sometimes a little bit less than I should, but I continue working. Outside this place, some furniture are being made. Some works are being done in our new place. It looks like a mess, the way it should.
I have been mainly preparing meals for three. It needs adjustment and I am working at it. Amazingly, the two kids here have been so good at working the food. They have been helpful at finishing the dishes prepared and diligently try to clean up the leftover. I am impressed. They are better than ever and they just deserve big blue ribbon and so much more love.

I made these banana and peach crisp yesterday, with wholemeal flour and oatmeal. Looks like, the three of us will be able to clean them up today. I feel healthy.....
:)) Managed to set smiley in comment section!! ;)