Forgive me, I gotta get this thing out of my chest. We have a glass top on our study table. One corner was slightly chipped after being knocked by a whole bunch of people carrying a giant mirror for our bathroom. The mirror was the one that knocked the glass, of course. Not the people.
I noticed one day that in the same corner the glass was detached from its wooden base and produced a hollow sound when it was tapped, unlike other areas that were well glued. Upon observing it, I realized that that the glass in that corner was not flat, there was a slight bump.

(The pictures have nothing much to do with this post. They are the pictures of bread made over the weekend and simply were put here so that this post has something more appetizing.)
One man explained to me that the knock by the heavy mirror, not only chipped the corner but also curved the glass. Me: "Ha???????..... How could that possibly be.....?"
Another man told me yesterday said: " This is tempered glass and this is how it is....." Me: "Ha???????..... How could that possibly be.....?" I fought back this time, I know tempered glass and they don't curved (unless shaped).... and so on. This guy went on with his reasoning including the heating process and the oven reason etc. Excuse me. We want our table flat. Period. Full stop.

OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG. Forgive me Lord for bringing your name into this sentence, I know I shouldn't..... These guys really insulted my intelligence. Or maybe they just talk about it within their own level of intelligence?
Over the past weeks, because of this move, I met many men (MEN!!!) with very lame excuses when they fail to execute their job properly. One curtain guy who was unable to make two roller blinds parallel, claiming seven years of experience in the business, blamed it on the pulley. The pulley caused the distance between the two blinds to change. I said, how come the other two are fine, they have pulleys too? I asked the guy with the oven excuse above why my kitchen counter top felt rough. He said, " Oh, this type of marble is like this!" A week later, after a week of use and countless number of wiping, the counter top was as smooth as a baby's bottom... So lame! Take that mister!
Like I wrote before, forgive me. My ranting and the selection of my words. I did not want to see a therapist but needed to get them out of my chest. People can be ridiculously stupid and stupidly ridiculous.
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