There. In C'ville, Virginia. It snowed last night. Here are the pictures from Priscilla's blog, which I am confident, she would generously let me share here. Thanks you and I must say, I am so green with envy.

It has been raining miserably here, but definitely no snow, of course I woke up in the dark as my body alarm went off shortly after 5AM. Horrible habit. By the time the sun rose, the sky was just gray. Dull gray.... We are having a gray Sunday? I don't know that for sure as the weather could change 457 times during the day. Who knows?

I am waiting for the news of Tiger Woods' mistress number 4 as one of the bloggers wrote that the person would be revealed tonight, our time. Boy-oh-boy, Mr.Woods has been pretty busy.....

Enjoy the snow pictures!

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