It was 20 years ago today, DH and I rushed to the hospital early in the morning after discovering that my water bag broke. We lived in Jakarta and our area was having a blackout, but we knew where the important things were, the bag that was packed a while back and the car key. The hospital was nearby and without traffic, as it's merely after 4AM in the morning, we probably arrived some 10 minutes later. No drama, no panicking like those in the movies. We were calm and everything was in order.

The only thing was that it was our first child and I had no first-hand experience. I did not know what sort of pain that I had to endure and how intense that could be. At some point it was really unbearable and the OB/Gym came so late, at least to what I believe. I was so ready to pop up the baby and he was not there yet. Came 9:40 AM, our first born and our first new love was born. God knows, I did not what to do with her. She did not come with any manuals and for 20 years we constantly learn by trials and errors on how to look after her and how to be good parents. We had our ups and downs but we endure. There has been so much that we are thankful for and she is one of them, on the top 10 list!
She is 20 years old today. It is so hard to believe how time flies. Happy birthday Miss P! XOXO
masih imut imut......