It is so ridiculous how Jon and Kate seem to be on every webpage that I open and every channel that I am on. Add to that, Letterman's affair! Divorce and affairs, two things that I am trying to hush away from my head. They only bring negativity in my heart as they involve somebody that close to my heart.

Seeing Jon justifying himself and fooling around with a 22-year girl, while the divorce is not even final, make me sick. Men-o-men. I am reminded of this fool that I used to know. He cheated on his wife, he had a child with her. He said sorry without being remorseful and now is reportedly living with a different girl at the house that this jerk and his wife bought together. The neighbor reported a sighting of him in motorcycle with a girl..... What??? ..........This idiot is 30 something, going on 40 soon, two kids. Jon Gosselin is 30 something, eight kids.
This fool=jerk=idiot guy and his sisters and mother originally begged his wife for not divorcing him, then he grew angrier as the process continued. He went to bribe the judge handling the case, the money was gone, but the divorce was granted. God is fair and funny! I would love to see the faces of his sisters and his mother who proudly stood by him and justified his actions-infidelity, like they are no female. Gotcha!
I wish no reminder about them. Life is so good, especially when I do not have to think about all the bad things around.....

My turn has come to provide some goodies together with maybe a couple of others for those that swim at 6AM at school. Apparently, there's no request on what to serve or not to serve, I was told that there were cupcakes and brownies. I opted for Rice Crispy Treats. Sweet and kind of crunchy..... They are ready to go!

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