Saturday, we got a bunch of things coming to the new house today.
I heard it before, I read it before, expectation can lead to disappointment, subsequently bring unhappiness. But I feel I have the right to expect that everything was soooo.... nearly completed by 10 Oct, after the deadline was extended from end of September, to early October and further to 10th. I only heard about the slight delay last night, which did not give me much time to get disappointed anyway. There's one though, bugging me. The items in K's room are supposed to be movable, but they are not quite so. There are apparently cables going through the bed, to the side table and up through the desk, restricting the movement of the said furniture. Having said that, removing and placing curtains on that side of the glass wall require one to be all over the bed, table and desk.

Earlier on, I have specifically to the retarded designer to make sure that I will have easy access to the curtain.... and boyyyyy..... he was so nice and supportive. Too back it was just gesture and he has not been seeing and heard much lately. Déjà vu. This happened to us 13 years ago when we built our first landed house in Jakarta.
When I was growing up, my mom and my sisters always cooked the dishes again and again. I do not recall them trying some new dish. Now I am living on my own and have my own troops that are more open to try something new, especially after going to school the whole day and ended the day with swimming training until 6PM, they would be more willing to taste new things on the table.

I saw this pizetta on Martha Stewart Show that I recorded and watched when I had time, sped it up to the cooking segment. I thought it would be interesting to try. The original recipe is with fresh rosemary, but yours truly does not buy rosemary from the supermarket here as they cost a fortune. I have some dried ones, but I used dried basil instead and black pepper as the recipe suggested. The topping is mainly sliced potatoes mixed with olive oil, more black pepper and salt. Finally, sprinkle some grated parmesan cheese generously. It's all good!
The original recipe is here.
The original recipe is here.

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