I lost track of dates and was only reminded, by the Father at church, that today was 10-10-10. How special! I don't know what effect it has on me. I know that a lot of people pick this date for certain celebration in their life like marriage.
I woke up early again on another Sunday morning. Again, I did not have too, but my body was awake shortly after 5AM. I went down to the kitchen with the intention to get one thing done and ended up cleaning up some parts of the fridge and throwing away a lot of hopeless food that won't be consumed... and down in the bottom there was a moldy orange that has turned green. I was hopelessly diverted and uncontrollably turned into having OCD. Digging in further, found some ripe apples and a pear that has aged. Apple & pear sauce was made to top the fluffy pancakes for this morning breakfast. Yummy! A productive morning on 10-10-10. 

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