Talking about peanuts. A niece of mine mentioned in her email that she was having this as snack. This, that I meant, was peanut coated in seasoned egg and rolled in flour before having them deep fried. The Indonesian name for them is kacang telur, kacang means peanut and telur is egg. Most recipes pointed to garlic, sugar and salt as the responsible parties in giving the tasty flavor of the snacks. They might be available at some stores here and I could easily get DH to buy me some from Jakarta, but of course, me being me, I tried to make them at home.
It gave me satisfaction to be able to make them myself whether I will make them again or not in the future. They are good, but I don't think I should eat too much snacks or peanuts, especially since my family members here are not keen to try. They do not like peanuts. 

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