I started the day early yesterday, my usual weekday time. It turned out to be a very busy day. Exhausting day, but I got a lot of things done. Towards the end of the day, I stumbled over a box of Betty Crocker's Cake Mix, my last one that I got from the USA trip last July, expiring at the end of the month.

Turned on the oven, in cake mix into the bowl, tossed in eggs, water and oil, did some quick whisking, poured into the baking pans and sent into the oven.

I personally prefer chocolate glaze to frosting. I prefer chocolaty taste to sugary one. But since I won't be eating much of it, I shouldn't, I obliged to the request for frosting. Hershey's recipe for frosting was used.

DH is still away until Friday night, the kids are around and happy with the heavy-duty wicked chocolate cake treat.
Mmmmmmm. Chocolatey.