I got a whole packet of kaffir lime leaves last week. I needed about five of them to make Indonesian snack lemper ayam, banana leaf-wrapped chicken rice parcels. Either banana leaves or crepes are used in Indonesia to wrap the rice. The kaffir lime leaves was cooked together with the chicken, the result was just great, great fragrance. I didn't have any banana leaves therefore I used crepes to wrap them. It was my first attempt and I was quite happy with the result.

I am left with still plenty of kaffir lime leaves. I know that some Thai dishes use kaffir lime leaves but I was not into Thai food at the moment. An idea came to head, another Indonesian dish that could use more of my leaves, called Opor Ayam or Coconut Curry Chicken. Searching the recipe on the net, I found that different website gives variations of the recipe, but I picked up some ingredients that I had and tossed in some leaves on my dish. I love it, despite having to answer at least four similar questions from the people that live with me here, what I cooked. I thought it was delicious and authentic. I had it with steamed white rice and I thought I would cook them again in the future. DH refused to have them because it has lots of coconut milk. I was not surprise.

I longed for something spicy all week. With a pack of shrimp in the fridge, I made a quick stir fry with onion, garlic, green and red chillis, salt, and of course, more kaffir lime leaves. Spicy and wickedly delicious. DH said he was going to eat one, yes, one shrimp only, because he is trying not to consume much of shellfish. He ended up eating two. Wowww.... that's doubling the original portion, he must have liked it!!
Incredible jobs.