Try to read those Maori words out loud, the one in BIG YELLOW, the very long one. I gave up after a few syllables. My tongue was twisted. The English version is the gathering place for the war parties of Wahiao.
Interesting isn't it?.
I feel somewhat obligated to put some of the pictures that my little one and her friends took when they went to New Zealand last month. Maybe I should call it guilty feeling! She took many pictures. There are in fact more than 950 pictures to choose from, varying from the cloud, the sky, kangaroos, goats, lamb, pigs, someone's eyes, someone's bag, someone's bald head, someone's iPod and practically plenty of, sorry to say, simply out-of-focus wacky pictures.
Some of the pictures were really good, in the sense that they gave me something new to learn. She went to they places that I have never been too and it is interesting to see them from her point of view. Mind you,I am not talking about her friends' eyes, her friends' bag, and the assistant head.
Definitely, she was having too much fun, along with her friends that used her camera, to take better pictures which she normally does. Here are kiwifruit trees especially for those who never saw them before, like me. And more animals in the farm pictures .......
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