My nephew turned eight years old yesterday. I certainly wish him all the fun things in the world of being eight years old. It has been an exciting journey for him, moving to a city where he used to live and now is attending a new school. It must be nice being eight. It's such a bad time to be an adult these days. Life is such a mess everywhere right now.
Too many horrible disasters have been reported lately. The last big natural disaster, Ike! The last huge financial mess: Lehman Brothers! It's no fun managing funds these days, no kidding. It's extremely challenging to keep your chin up and to maintain the glass is half full attitude when one bad thing after another keeps on happening and the stock market continues diving.
So here is to keeping it simple in the midst of complicated life, macaroni croquettes. They were nice, cheesy and easy to make. I can't remember the last time I made them, it must have been years ago. I know that I used to make them when I was a teenager, which was around a couple hundred years ago.

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