Not mine, they are from the garden of my sister's. These are small chubby chillies, less than2-inches in length. I haven't tried them yet, but knowing my sister, I can be sure, they are smoking hot!!!!! And I thought they look adorable and cute too. She sent me some seeds to plant along with many other seeds to plant as well. I don't know where to start since I have a small balcony and a bit of soil. I have the pots, but definitely need more soil. Let me put that on my to-do list, hopefully I will be able to grow some in my backyard... oops...I wish..... balcony, soon!

The picture above is from her, she's got plenty of space in her new house. Land is abundant in her country. I am officially envious...... I am more envious of Kathy's house in Michigan though. Maybe, ............ just maybe, I could live in a landed house when I retire and start gardening, which I completely have no talent in, right now. Something to think about, really!
Once you have the land, you'll learn! But chiles grow quite nicely in pots, too, as you know. pcia
ReplyDeletecabenya asik ya
ayo cepet nanam... cangkul2..cangkul ..
Tunggu..... belum ada perlengakapannya!
ReplyDeleteKitt... I hope so...