Most of us hate Monday, I know that's a rather strong statement, but Monday......... That's hard to deal. DH might be okay with it, he is okay with lots of things, in fact. Weekend is supposed to help us recharge our energy, we are expected to come out fresh and to be as good as new on Mondays. But we want longer weekend, we like to laze around more, if that is possible. We don't like Mondays, unless the Monday we are talking about is a holiday, of course. Not the school-day or the work-day one. Arghhh.... we could only wish it's still Sunday.......

I used to dislike Monday so much back when I was working in Jakarta. In the mornings, we had to grab two sleepy girls from their bed and put them in the car with their clean clothes and food and drinks, to be transported to the day care. (The third one had not make her grand entry yet.) Traffic was particularly worse on Mondays too, the jam was simply horrible, it was a punishment for a tired mother, and father too, who tried to make a living. We normally had to spend 60-90 minutes on the road before we arrived at the office. I am astonished by the fact that I could endure such a living for many years there.
Without having to go to office to do the work, I am loving my Mondays better now. In fact, I kind of look forward to it. It's a weekly mini independence day for me when the little ducklings go to school and DH is out of the house after a hectic and crowded weekend. I don't quite do crazy dancing and jumping up and down, I just feel so at peace sometimes. Quietness!

Monday is a long day for the three who normally arrive back at home from school after 6:30 PM. Dinner tends something that everyone likes, like chicken, to well compensate their long day. This evening, we had Chicken Cordon Bleu, served with potatoes with basil and parmesan and sauteed spinach. Dessert? Pick what you like, we had anything from ice cream to cake to choose from, got a big fridge full of food. Very filling dinner! Off to homework now, for them. Computer time, for me!
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