Saturday, April 21, 2012

First Afternoon In DC...

First thing we did when we arrived in DC was going to our hotel and checked in. Thanks to DH's gold passport, our room was upgraded to I don't know whatever. The word upgraded sounded good to me. We got a well-dressed staff taking our bags up and showed us the room. The bed was particularly inviting. The bathroom was spacious with walk-in closet and the living room was nicely separated with a partition with the TV in the center that can be rotated to either the bed or the living room/study area. DH decided to try the bed and closed his eyes for a bit while I took the responsibility to refresh Miss K's memories on M street. We came here in 2004, back when Hilary Duff's Metamorphosis album was such a hit and I remember her singing many of her songs in the cry and drove me crazy. I long for those days as she is only willing to speak five words a day during school days. She is fifteen going on 40, if that could explain.

It turned out that she remembered nothing from our last trip. What a waste! She, however, upon seeing Pinkberry across the street, remember that she had it..... last year in Berkeley! We stopped by. I had the original flavor with mixed fruits and Miss K had her favorite Caramel. 

M street on DC is all about shopping and eating. It's a popular place for the locals and visitors. It helped that the weather was really beautiful that afternoon and made our walk an enjoyable one.

I spotted Miss Saigon, a Vietnamese restaurant in which we dined in before. Of course, my company did not remember that too.

It was our intention also to find Georgetown Cupcakes that we knew from TLC as the main element of DC Cupcakes. We'd like to try some, naturally. To our disappointment, the waiting line was super long. I definitely was unwilling to wait. I told Miss K that the cupcakes might not be as good as we thought. She, on the other hand, was quite convinced that they could have been reasonably good. We agreed to disagree and for the time being, we simply would not know.  We left and went back to our hotel.

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