Friday, May 07, 2010

I Might Be Ready To Go Back...

The new Sapporo airport is so good, it's like going to a shopping mall, it has exciting shops and so many restaurants with mouth-watering and tantalizingly delicious displays. DH's dreams to eat the best Ramen in town were nearly fulfilled by the time we were ready to leave the town. We tasted No. 2 and No. 3 best Ramens in Sapporo or maybe Hokkaido. Who knows? The write up was written in Japanese anyway. He looked for No. 1, but not hard enough to find the best one of all. But, who would have thought?

We found the same No. 1 Ramen Shop at the airport, situated together with a whole bunch of other ramen shops there as well. There were so many to choose from but he knew which one he wanted. We had to wait for the available table. The waitress cum Captain who, thankfully, spoke English, said that her restaurant has the best noodles. Of course. We had Ramen for lunch then. Again.

We were really tired of Japanese food then. But I think now I am ready to have them again. DH and I have even talked about going back to Sapporo this Summer as our three kids will be in three different continents. Maybe. We'll see.

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