Monday, May 17, 2010

Uninvited Little Guest...

After an extreme heat in the afternoon yesterday, I was awaken by the thunder, rain and strong wind this early morning. By the time I got up later on, I saw the damage done in many of the plants in the garden. Some are fixable and some are good for cleaning up, that's just the best way to look at it.

A couple of days ago, one little birdie flew by and decided to play around and poked some Periwinkles and Yellow Alders in the containers. Taking pictures of constantly moving bird was of course a challenge by itself and I managed to get some decent shots that were cropped and presented here.

It seemed like this little birdie was having a great time playing by itself. Why not? I would if I could fly too. But considering my fear of heights, it's best that I do not possess any wings and fly.


  1. banyak burung mampir,
    di kim seng garden banyak burung ya.

  2. Oya?
    Ga tau tuh. Di Tiong Bahru banyak....
