Saturday, May 21, 2011


Miss K and I went out for some dress shopping this afternoon. She needed a dress to attend her sister graduation. Our previous attempt to get one failed last week. I personally saw no hope as I knew, many different stores sell similar if not the same items. She also needed to get her friend a birthday present. Off we went after we had lunch with grandma.

DH asked us buy his favorite bread from a bread store at Ion, for his mother. While we were there, the bread above caught my eyes and called my name. I know that one of the corners has raisins. As for the rests, I could only guess. My curiosity was big enough that it triggered me to buy one. It's $6 for four slices, not cheap, huh?


  1. Birgita1:19 AM

    not cheap. ;)
    MT juga pasti bisa buat kayak gitu, :)

  2. Thanks Gita, for your confidence in me!
    Hehe. Mesti dicoba bikin ya..... Keliatan bagus aja ya.

  3. Yup, harus dicoba bikin kapan-kapan MT, :)
    Kue-kue sm makanan MT juga buat ngiler, gita sering liatin foto-fotonya, slrrpp ;)

  4. Mungkin one day dicoba deh, tp ganti rasa. Ga terlalu suka yg mrk jual itu.
