Thursday, October 06, 2011

Fountain: Last Look

Right in the front terrace of our place, we had a fountain. It's not our choice to have that fountain, but it came with the unit when we bought it. There was a way to set up its timer and the water would be pumped up at the set up time. I never learned how to do it. The problem is that by leaving it on, when it rained, the water that overflowed would trigger a loud beep sound that made everyone panic as it sounded as if we needed to evacuate immediately. It's horrible when the rained at night when we all were asleep.

Knowing that, we hardly turned it on. We kept it off most of the time and after a while, it's almost forgotten and it no longer worked. We had no intention to spend money on fixing it again and again and decided to knock it down and put a timber flooring there. It's time to say goodbye.

While taking its pictures, I could not help watching the beautiful morning sky on the background as the sun was rising. I simply felt compelled to take some snapshots. It's a gorgeous morning, isn't it?

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