Sunday, December 15, 2013

Desserts At Oscar's, Conrad Hotel Singapore

We had a lunch buffet at Oscars last month and they had a very nice selection of desserts there. It's too bad that I always tend to get too full by dessert time and only managed to try a little of this and that.  They also had a wide range of ice cream too and so many more of other goodies that are not in these pictures.


  1. Birgita6:27 PM

    MT, abis makan buffet yaa?? :)

  2. Yg di Oscar's bulan lalu Gita.... Tp wkt di Bali tiap hari buffet. Haha.

  3. Birgita4:25 PM

    Iya, breakfast buffet di Boneka itu ya :P

  4. True. Di Mulia juga lunchnya buffet. Rakus ya...hehe.
