Friday, July 17, 2009

Jakarta Is Rocked Again

I left Jakarta about ten days ago. I barely saw a day with blue sky, maybe pollution was the culprit of the missing clear sky, maybe it was just some cloudy days we were having. It was grey for many days we were there. Skyscrapers are seen everywhere in the central of the city. Constructions are everywhere. Gloomy, yet cars are everywhere. Short distances take a long time to go to and having a car with an excellent driver is a necessity. We had that taken care of.

Things were good, I heard no bomb threats and I heard no bomb exploded. When we went to the malls, office building, etc, we had our cars checked, we had our bags checked before we were allowed in. Traffic was as bad as usual but nothing of extraordinary was visible. Security seemed tight for many years there.

The were some fierce campaign for the presidential election, but everything looked under control. Things were looking up, although there were some uncertain elements contributed by the political situation. But of course, who would know?

Who would know ahead of time that there would be explosions again, targeting places frequently visited by the foreigners, other than those than are involved?

This morning I got the fresh news about the explosions that rocked the city, directly from the person who was in town. Two reputable hotels, Ritz and Marriott, were targeted. Suddenly, Jakarta became the center of the attention of the world again, not for a good thing. Sadly it is for the wrong reason.

Many innocent people become the victims of the coward acts by some people. The victims ' family and friends are affected, lives were altered and the pace of lives and the life itself, changed. Businesses suffer adverse effects, the currency weakened, the financial sector along with others bear the consequences too. Just like many others, I could not help thinking, why?

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