Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Brazilian Cheese Bread: Pão de Queijo

There are so many versions on how to make this delicious bread and I have baked them in the past before. It had been a while and I could not remember exactly why I was not too crazy about making them. But out of love, I made them again today. I think I found my way around and getting more comfortable with the process. The result is a yummy, chewy, light, a bit cheesy and addictive snack that keep on making us wanting more. One is just not enough. 


  1. Ooooh yummy. Do they taste like gougères?

  2. They taste more like Japanese Cheese Mochi. The method used to make them is like Gougeres'. So you were never here every time I made them?

  3. Birgita Adelia11:23 PM

    Liat gambarnya, seems that you gave me the recipe before, tapi belum sempat dibuat, hehehe. Soalnya tiap pulang rumah palingan cm buat croisant sm cookies ;)
