Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Got Them All, ...

I got the fire inside of me. To start going to the gym. I got my new trainers out, the one pair that I got months ago. I had no running shorts, a shocker. So I ran to the mall nearby and got myself a pair. I got my shirt, I got the gym and I got the special playlist in my iPod ready. Too bad I ran out of motivation today. No exercise.  I got dinner to prepare!


  1. Birgita Adelia11:20 PM

    ciayo ciayo MT, ayo semangat nge-gym-nya biar makin slim :D

    Gita ga boleh kalah nih, jangan-jangan sekarang lebih berat dari MT :(

  2. Ga semangat. Ga suka ke gym. Lebih enak jalan di luar, sepanjang sungai.
    Don't worry, MT endut! Gita pasti ajuh lebih langsing!
