Friday, December 18, 2009

A Week Before Christmas

It's just a week before Christmas and I am still awed by how fast the time goes by in front of my eyes. In two weeks, the year will be 2010. The school term ended today and we are officially turn on to holiday mood. What are we going to do but enjoying the last 13 days o 2009? Eat, drink and be merry? ........

Our basil plants seem to be doing so well, so much better than I originally anticipated and I could not be happier about that. I just thought I had not used them in my cooking as much as I should. I used some for the pizza and the bolognese sauce that I made a while back and there were abundant amount of leaves left.

I was not into Thai cooking, but when I searched for a recipe that used beef and basil leaves, I kept on bumping into this beef with basil, a Thai style cooking called Nue Pad Bai Horapha, spelling may vary from site to site. This was what I ended up cooking yesterday, with a little twist, my twist of course.

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