Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Cambridge River

Now, there are three again. And lots of laundry to work on. While the one from South Africa brought back more than a thousand pictures, the one from UK came back with fewer than 200 pictures on one camera. The other three cameras (yes, one little girl with three cameras!), the ones that are still in Cambridge, reportedly have accumulated more than a thousand pictures after being in the country for less than a week. When shall see how many pictures my tween takes in one month there. We'll find out in August!

It's been a while since I went to Cambridge, the river looks just the same. It looks soothing and serene. It's a nice place to go to and walk along for a walk by. (Picture is courtesy of DH!). Come to think of it, there's a river right down from where I am living, I should appreciate what I have more, rather than longing for something far and harder to reach.

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