Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies

We passed by a Trader Joe's store on our recent trip and made a stop and bought some stuff. Miss K bought a bag of dried cranberries and I brought it back to Singapore. I would normally leave that bag alone until the rightful owner comes back, but not this time. I had the urge to make Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies and took liberty to open the bag and used a little portion of it. I am sure she would not mind.

I simply love the results, these crisp and chewy cookies are absolutely delightful. Gotta watch the waistline though!


  1. Alo MT, pasti rasany enak banget deh!
    Cookiesny warna coklatny bagus bangettt,
    pasti laris manis di sana ;)

  2. Alo juga Gita!
    Untuk yg suka, rasanya ya enak.... :)

  3. Birgita11:00 PM

    birnael sih kayaknya bakal doyan banget, hehehe
