Weekend is exhausting, weekend is the time that we have to run errands that we could not finish during weekdays. With this, Monday is super manic and depressing, particularly when we have to start with all the running around all over again. Especially when we are under the weather......
The day started gloomy, humid and uninteresting. Today was the day when the workers were supposed to come to install cabinets, etc in the last room that had not been done up. More workers were expected to come to fix a few things that were quite overdue. A tiring, busy and boring day ahead.
Before they came, two birds were found outside the windows, chatted loudly and sounded happy. I wish I knew what they were talking about. In a bit, they flew to the terrace and continued chirping really loudly, I tried carefully not to scare them so that they did not fly away.
The workers came after 10AM, not early at all for me, made me wonder how much could be done. Shortly before 12, they took off for lunch. See what I mean? I surely wonder.... They came back and I could not be bothered of the time anymore. Rain seemed to be coming....
Rain did came soon before 4. The wind blew really hard, forced me to run around and closed all the opened windows and doors. I saw a neighbor saving her basil plant from the wind and the rain which reminded me that I should too. It poured and poured. Barely anything far was visible outside.
The water did not seem to go down fast enough and a mini flooding on our garden was created before long. It was truly wet and wild but of course did not last forever. The sun did not come out again, but the wind turned into a gentle breeze and the rain slowly became tiny drops. The day was nearly over. Dinner was ready and darkness came.
Tomorrow is another day, the sun will come up but may not be visible. Hopefully it will be a better one than I experienced today. The experience that was not told in this post, the one that exhausted me the most and drained my soul.... Tomorrow will be a different day. Another day with workers coming and maybe different kind of frustration........
yang di pot putih itu, namanya aglonema juga