I really-really want to bake more cookies and cakes, but we just have too much food around. We still have cookies and brownies as well. We should work on finishing them first before we get into more baking.
Over the weekend, we baked some cut-out Christmas cookies and we still have quite a bit left. My little one baked brownies at school and brought home most of them. I am trying not to excessively stack up food around the house unnecessarily, irregardless the reason. I have sent away a couple jars of cookies, baked one loaf of panettone for my niece and nephew in Jakarta too. We have not been very good eaters, which is good and bad. Good, because that means that everyone of us has a good control of what he/she eats. Bad, because when one stops eating, one does stop eating and the foods, no matter how tempting they are, will be left alone.
Anyway, I had fried rice noodles for lunch yesterday. It was Friday, no-meat day for me. I mixed some cabbage, carrots and sliced spring onions in there. They should be quite healthy, I got my important daily needs one bowl!
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